
You may possibly encounter one of the following issues when attempting to access your CLAM service through a browser:

  1. Apache gives an Internal Server Error (HTTP 500) – Check your Apache error log to see what happened. For additional debug output by CLAM, set DEBUG=True in your CLAM service configuration file.

  2. I get an empty white page – There is probably an error in loading the XSL stylesheet that renders the web application. Please use Firefox to verify, instead of Google Chrome or Internet Explorer, as it provides more detailed error output on XSLT transformations.

  3. I get “error loading stylesheet” – The XSL stylesheet that renders the web-application can not be loaded. This is most likely due to a mismatch in URLs. The URL at which the webservice is accessed has to correspond exactly with the URL configured in the service configuration file, alternative hostnames or IPs will not work. Browsers refuse to load stylesheets from other sources for security reasons. Check your settings for HOST, PORT, and URLPREFIX, and whether you accessed the service by the same URL.

  4. I get an error “No template named response” – Check whether CLAMDIR is set in your service configuration file and whether it points to the directory in which CLAM resides (the directory containing

  5. I’m using CLAM through Apache and mod_wsgi, but authentication does not work and I am always logged in as anonymous – Check that WSGIPassAuthorization On is set in your Apache configuration, and USERS, USERS_MYSQL or OAUTH is configured in your service configuration file.

  6. I am using ``URLPREFIX`` but CLAM tries to interpret the prefix as a project name - This might happen in some WSGI setups. If this happens, set INTERNALURLPREFIX to the same value as URLPREFIX. Always leave it empty in any other scenario.

Note that we strongly recommend developing your services using the built-in webserver, and migrating to Apache, nginx or another webserver when deploying your final service.

If you have a new issue, please use our issue tracker to check whether it has already been reported, and if not, report it yourself.